Translate to French

Quick, simple and affordable translation to french

T2F offers online translation services, in quick or custom mode, of English documents to French versions. We do not just rely on automatic translation softwares or sites, but rather man made, high quality translation, in a perfect French or English without spelling or syntax errors. Because it is not enough to translate words but first to understand the true meaning of the original text and then write a well-structured French text adapted to the understanding of the readers .

Your sales documents

  • flyers and brochures
  • electronic and printed advertising
  • contract, sales agreements ,warranties

Your training material

  • sales training
  • user and service manuals,PowerPoint, policies, guidelines

Your online content

  • your web site
  • your newsletters
  • your promotional campaigns

Your internal business documents

  • your standards and processes
  • products and service description
  • human ressource documents
  • security papers


This mode better fits the needs for larger documents, brochures, manuals or Powerpoint presentation, among others…


Beside translation from an english document, we can also write new texts in french from your own draft, in a perfectly suitable French for publication…